Tremella & Peach Gum Sweet Sweet Soup Mix (銀耳桃膠糖水) Selected from High-Quality Herbs The traditional recipe for the popular Chinese Sweet Soup 糖水 All-natural and made with real, chemical-free food Maintain healthy skin 嫩膚美顏 Sweet Soup Made Easy! Soup Packet 1-2 Servings! 主要材料Main Ingredients Tremella (雪耳), Peach Gum (桃膠), Snow Lotus Seed (雪蓮子), Red Date (紅棗),…
Velvet Mushroom & Bamboo Pith Soup Mix(鹿茸菇竹蓀湯料包) Selected from High-Quality Herbs The traditional recipe for the popular Chinese Healing Soup All-natural and made with real, chemical-free food Supports healthy circulation 降壓抗糖 Herbal Soup Made Easy! Soup Packet 1-2 Servings! 主要材料Main Ingredients Dried Velvet Mushroom (鹿茸菇), Bamboo Pith (竹蓀), Red Date (紅棗) Directions: Step 1: Soak dried mushroom and…
White Mushroom & Cuttlefish Bean Mix (花菇墨魚湯料包) Selected from High-Quality Herbs The traditional recipe for the popular Chinese Healing Soup All-natural and made with real, chemical-free food Skin whitening 美白養顏 Herbal Soup Made Easy! Soup Packet 1-2 Servings! 主要材料 Main Ingredients White Flower Mushroom (白花菇), Dried Cuttlefish (墨魚), Black Wood Ear (木耳), Red Date (紅棗) Directions: Step 1: Soak…