American Ginseng & Dendrobium Stem Soup Mix (花旗參石斛湯料包) Selected from High-Quality Herbs The traditional recipe for the popular Chinese Healing Soup All-natural and made with real, chemical-free food Nourishes the liver & supports eye health 養肝明目 Herbal Soup Made Easy! Soup Packet 1-2 Servings! 主要材料 Main Ingredients American Ginseng (花旗參), Dendrobium Stem (石斛), Ophiopogon (麥冬), Goji…
Bamboo Pith & Fish Maw Soup Mix (竹蓀花膠雞湯料包) Selected from High-Quality Herbs The traditional recipe for the popular Chinese Healing Soup All-natural and made with real, chemical-free ingredients Skin Rejuvenation 養顏嫩膚 Herbal Soup Made Easy! Soup Packet 1-2 Servings! 主要材料Main Ingredients Bamboo Pith (竹蓀), Fish Maw (花膠), Red Date (紅棗) Directions: Step 1: Soak Bamboo Pith with…
Bamboo Pith & Lotus Seed Sweet Soup Mix (竹蓀蓮子清心飲) Selected from High-Quality Herbs The traditional recipe for the popular Chinese Sweet Soup 糖水 All-natural and made with real, chemical-free food Slim & Detox 消脂降火 Sweet Soup Made Easy! Soup Packet 1-2 Servings! 主要材料 Main Ingredients Bamboo Pith (竹蓀), Green Bean (綠豆), Lotus Seed (蓮子), Fig…
Bamboo Pith & Scallop Soup Mix 竹蓀干貝湯料包 Selected from High-Quality Herbs The traditional recipe for the popular Chinese Healing Soup All-natural and made with real, chemical-free food Dietary Fiber Supplement 補充膳食纖維 Herbal Soup Made Easy! Soup Packet 1-2 Servings! 主要材料 Main Ingredients Bamboo Pith (竹蓀), Scallop (干貝), Chickpeas (鷹嘴豆), Daylily (黃花菜) Directions: Step 1: Soak Bamboo Pith…
Black Bean & Walnut Soup Mix 黑豆核桃湯料包 Selected from High-Quality Herbs The traditional recipe for the popular Chinese Healing Soup All-natural and made with real, chemical-free food Invigorates spleen and kidney 健脾補腎 Herbal Soup Made Easy! Soup Packet 1-2 Servings! Contains Nuts 主要材料Main Ingredients Black Bean(黑豆), Walnut(核桃), Black Wood Ear(黑木耳), Fox Nut(芡實) Directions: Step 1:…
Black Truffle & Dried Shrimp Soup Mix (黑松露海米湯料包) Selected from High-Quality Herbs The traditional recipe for the popular Chinese Healing Soup All-natural and made with real, chemical-free ingredients Nourishes Yin & Tonifies Yang 滋陰補陽 Herbal Soup Made Easy! Soup Packet 1-2 Servings! 主要材料Main Ingredients Black Truffle Slice(黑松露片), Dried Shrimp(海米), Wild Rice(野米) Directions: Step 1: Wash all…
Daylily & Peanut Soup Mix (黃花菜花生湯料包) Selected from High-Quality Herbs The traditional recipe for the popular Chinese Healing Soup All-natural and made with real, chemical-free food Helps build physical strength 補充體力 Herbal Soup Made Easy! Soup Packet 1-2 Servings! Contains Nuts 主要材料Main Ingredients Daylily(黃花菜), Peanut(花生), Chinese Yam(淮山), Red Date(紅棗) Directions: Step 1: Soak Daylilies for 30…
Dried Cabbage & Monk Fruit Soup Mix (白菜干羅漢果湯料包) Selected from High-Quality Herbs The traditional recipe for the popular Chinese Healing Soup All-natural and made with real, chemical-free food Skin moisturizing 補濕潤膚 Herbal Soup Made Easy! Soup Packet 1-2 Servings! Contains Nuts 主要材料Main Ingredients Dried Cabbage(白菜干), Apricot Seed(南北杏), Monk Fruit(羅漢果), Peanut(花生), Red Date(紅棗), Orange Peel(陳皮) Directions:…
Fish Maw & Snail Soup Mix (花膠螺片湯料包) Selected from High-Quality Herbs The traditional recipe for the popular Chinese Healing Soup All-natural and made with real, chemical-free food Maintains healthy skin 滋補養顏 Herbal Soup Made Easy! Soup Packet 1-2 Servings! 主要材料Main Ingredients Fish Maw(花膠), Dried Snail Slice(螺片), Polygonatum(玉竹), Lotus Seed(白蓮子), Lily Root(百合), Tremella(雪耳), Candied Date(蜜棗) Directions:…
Five Black Sweet Soup Mix (五黑糖水) Selected from High-Quality Herbs The traditional recipe for the popular Chinese Sweet Soup 糖水 All-natural and made with real, chemical-free food Hair strengthening 補血養髮 Sweet Soup Made Easy! Soup Packet 1-2 Servings! Contains Nuts 主要材料Main Ingredients Black Bean(黑豆), Black Sticky Rice(黑糯米), Walnut(核桃), Black Date(黑棗), Black Sesame(黑芝麻), Crystal Sugar(冰糖) Directions:…
Five Red Sweet Soup Mix (五紅糖水) Selected from High-Quality Herbs The traditional recipe for the popular Chinese Sweet Soup 糖水 All-natural and made with real, chemical-free food Invigorates warmth 補氣暖身 Sweet Soup Made Easy! Soup Packet 1-2 Servings! Contains Nuts 主要材料Main Ingredients Red Bean(紅豆), Peanut(花生), Red Date(紅棗), Goji Berry(枸杞), Brown Sugar(紅糖) Directions: Step 1: Soak all…
Gastrodia & Angelica Soup Mix (天麻當歸湯料包) Selected from High-Quality Herbs The traditional recipe for the popular Chinese Healing Soup All-natural and made with real, chemical-free food Menstrual support 溫經止痛 Herbal Soup Made Easy! Soup Packet 1-2 Servings! 主要材料Main Ingredients Gastrodia (天麻), Angelica (當歸), Chinese Yam (淮山), Goji Berry (枸杞), Red Date (紅棗) Directions: Step 1:…
Gastrodia & Codonopsis Soup Mix (天麻黨參湯料包) Selected from High-Quality Herbs The traditional recipe for the popular Chinese Healing Soup All-natural and made with real, chemical-free food Headache relief 去頭風止頭痛 Herbal Soup Made Easy! Soup Packet 1-2 Servings! 主要材料Main Ingredients Gastrodia (天麻), Codonopsis (黨參), Dried Ginger Slice (乾薑), Red Date (紅棗), Polygonatum (玉竹) Directions: Step 1: Wash all…
Green Bean & Oat Sweet Soup Mix (綠豆燕麥糖水) Selected from High-Quality Herbs The traditional recipe for the popular Chinese Sweet Soup 糖水 All-natural and made with real, chemical-free food Heat clearing 清熱解毒 Sweet Soup Made Easy! Soup Packet 1-2 Servings! 主要材料Main Ingredients Green Bean (綠豆), Oat (燕麥), Crystal Sugar (冰糖) Directions: Step 1: Soak all…
Hairy Fig & Fish Maw Soup Mix (五指毛桃花膠湯料包) Selected from High-Quality Herbs The traditional recipe for the popular Chinese Healing Soup All-natural and made with real, chemical-free food Nourishes Yin 溫補滋陰 Herbal Soup Made Easy! Soup Packet 1-2 Servings! 主要材料Main Ingredients Hairy Fig (五指毛桃), Fish Maw (花膠), Lotus Seed (白蓮子) Directions: Step 1: Wash all…
Job s Tear & Red Bean Sweet Soup Mix (薏米紅豆水) Selected from High-Quality Herbs The traditional recipe for the popular Chinese Sweet Soup 糖水 All-natural and made with real, chemical-free food Dispels cold & dampness 驅寒祛濕 Sweet Soup Made Easy! Soup Packet 1-2 Servings! 主要材料Main Ingredients Job s Tear(薏米), Red Bean(紅豆), Brown Sugar(紅糖) Directions: Step…